*** Join us on Sunday July 28 for “Dancing with your Hormones” to learn how to support balanced, vibrant hormonal health ***

Want to get a quick reading on your hormonal health? Take a quick “Dancing with your Hormones” quiz

Photo credit: https://www.state-of-my-art.com/

Are you looking for your spark? 

Your spark is the sense of vitality that makes you feel energized and alive. It is your connection to joy, passion, and the world around you - and it starts with a connection to your own body. 

Let me share a quick story

After a diagnosis of chronic Lyme disease and arthritis in my mid-twenties, I began a healing journey that guided me to heal my stress response, resolve gut issues and chronic inflammation, and develop a healthy and playful relationship with food. My breakthrough came when I began shifting my mindset, beliefs, and self-image to support my health - and saw a transformation not only in my body but in my life. The message I offer clients is:

When you create the right conditions in your mind and body, you can heal and enjoy more vitality and joy than ever before. So reach out if you want:

  • Help cultivating the mindset, beliefs, and self-image that will set you up for success

  • To understand the root causes of your challenges so you cultivate long-term health and resilience

  • Support to resolve complex issues, such as chronic inflammation, digestive disturbances, and adrenal fatigue or burnout

  • To reach the next level of physical health for resilience and peak performance

  • To develop a deeper relationship with your body and support the foundations of health for long-term wellbeing

  • A supportive guide and partner who believes in you every step of the way!

So if you’re looking for your spark, let me help you connect to your incredible body and use its signals as guides on the path to pleasure, healing, and thriving.



Services - 1:1 Coaching

Ad Hoc Plan

Perfect if you want to improve your wellness and shift your lifestyle on a more flexible basis . On this plan, we’ll start with a comprehensive intake of your current health status and patterns and create a personalized plan to reach your goals.

  • A full health history review

  • Comprehensive Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (assessing >300 symptoms)

  • Food and Mood Journal analysis

  • A personalized protocol focused on nutrition, lifestyle, mindset, and stress

  • Bi-weekly consultations in-person or via zoom and unlimited text/e-mail support

3-Month Package

The right plan if you are committed to improving your gut, shift your lifestyle, and reaching a major milestone. In this 3-month package, we’ll assess your current health and create a personalized plan to reach your goals. This package includes:

  • A full health history review

  • Comprehensive Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (assessing >300 symptoms)

  • Food and Mood Journal analysis

  • A personalized protocol focused on nutrition, lifestyle, mindset, and stress

  • Bi-weekly consultations in-person or via zoom and unlimited text/e-mail support

Want to learn more? Here’s a quick preview of some recent articles:

  • Discover Joy

    In the hardest times, finding joy can feel like an impossible challenge. Here are some creative ideas on how to discover it in everyday life.

  • Nourish Yourself

    The six foundations of optimal health are the pillars of our well-being. When we support them through our diet and lifestyle, we have the keys to thrive in all areas of our lives.

  • Find Your Tribe

    How to draw people to you who share you values and lifestyle. The first step? Getting clear on who you are and what invitation you want to send out.