Hi, I’m Katie!

At my best, I’m incredibly curious, excited about life, musical, energetic, strong-willed, and creative when it comes to impractical adventures or experiments. My friends might describe me as someone who invites strangers I meet in cafes on roadtrips or who studies German “for fun” and then moves across the world to “see what happens.” Whether that makes me eccentric, weird, or happily out of touch with reality, it’s how I see myself.

Unfortunately, it’s also a version of myself that suddenly disappeared for a very long time. Let me share a story…

My Story

When I was twenty-five, working and running around New York City, I suddenly became very tired. Morning coffees only lasted me until the afternoon, food left me feeling bloated and sleepy, and my joints became so frozen and stiff that I would often run them under hot water at work so I could continue typing. Every morning I pushed through a growing resistance, until one morning, everything ground to a halt. I woke up with swollen, inflamed hands that I couldn’t move without intense pain and realized I needed help.

With no idea what to do, I moved back home with my parents and went through the worst period of my life. For six months I went from doctor to doctor, overcharged and unheard, until one diagnosed me with chronic Lyme disease and arthritis - for which there is no clear answer. Struggling with dozens of food sensitivities, systemic inflammation, shooting pain, intense exhaustion, brain fog - and the loss of my passions and hobbies - I became withdrawn and depressed.

At my lowest point, a nutritionist turned my life around. He tested me for food allergies and sensitivities and gave me a nutrition plan that reversed my worst symptoms within a few weeks. He gave me hope and inspired me to keep improving my diet and reducing chronic inflammation. 

That hope inspired me to begin strength training, HIIT workouts, breathwork, hypnosis, and to explore every approach to healing I could - from plant medicines to ozone therapy.  Despite constantly working on my health, I felt something important missing: the spark in my life. Between healthy meals and gym workouts, I left no room for the joy, playfulness, and excitement that make life worth living. I realized I didn’t just need to heal my body - I needed to heal my way of living.

With that realization, I began to re-examine my life. I reviewed the mindset, beliefs, and self-image I had since I was a teenager and realized it was at odds with my values and what I wanted in life. I began to prioritize my joy and wellbeing - first organizing picnics with friends, getting more playful in the kitchen, and letting old hobbies fall away so I could find new ones 💃🏻! The more I focused on my joy and happiness, the faster my joints and body healed. Five years since my health fell apart, I can finally say I feel healthy and strong. Not only that - I’m living a life that supports my health and is more fun than I could have ever imagined.

This is the mindset shift I hope to share with every person I work with: your physical, mental, and spiritual health are indivisible. Supporting your body will positively shift other parts of your life, just as shifting other parts of your life will impact your body. As you develop a deeper relationship with your body and food, you will begin to understand what brings you energy, nourishment, and joy - and how to bring those changes into the rest of your life.

