How to Assess Your Hormonal Health

Want help balancing your hormones? The “Hormonal Wellness Checklist” will help you get started

A woman’s hormonal health works like a symphony, with individual hormones rising and falling throughout the month to create a balanced harmony that evolves over a women’s lifetime. Hormonal wellness doesn’t depend on the level of a single hormone at one moment in time, but the relationships between hormones and the overall body state. For example, a woman struggling with infertility and low levels of sex hormones will also need to consider her stress hormones (e.g. cortisol and DHEA), insulin, and thyroid hormones!

That’s why I created the “Hormonal Wellness Checklist.” It helps you:

  • Understand the main body systems underlying hormonal health

  • Assess your body’s signs and symptoms and understand how they relate to hormonal health

  • Assess which body systems need the most support so you can take action

  • Make simple diet and lifestyle shifts to get you started on your hormonal wellness journey

You can also take the “Hormonal Wellness Checklist” as an interactive quiz:


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